black and brown leather padded tub sofa

مزرعة سمو الأمير فيصل بن محمد آل سعود

نقدم أفضل المواشي والخدمات الزراعية عالية الجودة.

مواشي عالية الجودة

نقدم مواشي صحية ومتميزة لعملائنا الكرام.

خدمات زراعية متكاملة لدعم المزارعين والمربين.

تربية المواشي باحترافية عالية ومتابعة مستمرة.

خدمات زراعية
تربية مواشي

مزرعة سمو الأمير فيصل

نحن مزرعة سمو الأمير فيصل بن محمد آل سعود للمواشي، نقدم أفضل أنواع المواشي ونعتني بها وفق أعلى المعايير لضمان جودة المنتجات وخدمة العملاء.

Two camels sit on a sandy ground inside a fenced area. Two men dressed in traditional white attire are seated on chairs nearby. The background features modern buildings and structures under construction, illuminated by artificial lighting, indicating a nighttime setting.
Two camels sit on a sandy ground inside a fenced area. Two men dressed in traditional white attire are seated on chairs nearby. The background features modern buildings and structures under construction, illuminated by artificial lighting, indicating a nighttime setting.
رؤيتنا ورسالتنا
جودة واحترافية

نلتزم بتقديم خدمات متميزة في مجال تربية المواشي، مع التركيز على الجودة والاحترافية في كل ما نقدمه لعملائنا الكرام.

خدمات المزرعة

نقدم مجموعة متنوعة من الخدمات المتعلقة بتربية المواشي وتوفير أفضل المنتجات الزراعية.

A detailed farm scene features numerous pigs within a fenced area, with a barn and another farm building nearby. The scene includes a small figure tending to the pigs and green fences surrounding the pen. In the background, there's a road with a couple of vehicles next to a river.
A detailed farm scene features numerous pigs within a fenced area, with a barn and another farm building nearby. The scene includes a small figure tending to the pigs and green fences surrounding the pen. In the background, there's a road with a couple of vehicles next to a river.
A young brown foal is nursing from a larger black and white mare in a grassy pasture enclosed by a white fence. The background includes farm buildings and equipment.
A young brown foal is nursing from a larger black and white mare in a grassy pasture enclosed by a white fence. The background includes farm buildings and equipment.
تربية المواشي

نحن نعتني بتربية المواشي وتوفير بيئة صحية ومناسبة لنموها وتطورها.

المنتجات الزراعية

نقدم منتجات زراعية عالية الجودة تلبي احتياجات السوق المحلي وتضمن رضا العملاء.

معرض المزرعة

استعرض صور مزرعة سمو الأمير فيصل بن محمد آل سعود.

A person in traditional clothing is herding a flock of sheep in a sunny, enclosed area surrounded by palm trees. The ground is sandy, and the enclosure is made of brick walls.
A person in traditional clothing is herding a flock of sheep in a sunny, enclosed area surrounded by palm trees. The ground is sandy, and the enclosure is made of brick walls.
Several large metal silos are positioned next to long, green-roofed farm buildings. These structures are enclosed by a wire fence, and multiple signs are visible, indicating that the site is an approved poultry farm. The sky is partly cloudy, providing a mixture of sunlight and shade across the scene.
Several large metal silos are positioned next to long, green-roofed farm buildings. These structures are enclosed by a wire fence, and multiple signs are visible, indicating that the site is an approved poultry farm. The sky is partly cloudy, providing a mixture of sunlight and shade across the scene.
A large number of cows are densely packed in a fenced area on a farm. Rows of cattle line both sides of a central walkway made of gravel or dirt. The setting appears to be an outdoor industrial farm with several palm trees visible in the background. A few farm buildings and utility poles are also part of the landscape.
A large number of cows are densely packed in a fenced area on a farm. Rows of cattle line both sides of a central walkway made of gravel or dirt. The setting appears to be an outdoor industrial farm with several palm trees visible in the background. A few farm buildings and utility poles are also part of the landscape.
A dark brown alpaca stands on a dry patch of grass in a farm setting. In the background, there are several sheep grazing and trees dotting the hilly, rural landscape. A fence runs along the right side, and there is a pile of logs near the sheep.
A dark brown alpaca stands on a dry patch of grass in a farm setting. In the background, there are several sheep grazing and trees dotting the hilly, rural landscape. A fence runs along the right side, and there is a pile of logs near the sheep.
A man in camouflage clothing is feeding camels with a bucket marked with text while standing near a wooden fence. The camels are leaning over the fence, reaching towards the bucket with their mouths. A wooden structure is visible in the background.
A man in camouflage clothing is feeding camels with a bucket marked with text while standing near a wooden fence. The camels are leaning over the fence, reaching towards the bucket with their mouths. A wooden structure is visible in the background.
Inside a farm pen, a sheep with a thick, brown wool coat is eating from a bowl on the ground. In the background, a white goat stands near the fence of the pen. The ground is covered with hay, and the pen is enclosed by a wire fence and wooden posts. The setting appears rustic with a red and white building in the background.
Inside a farm pen, a sheep with a thick, brown wool coat is eating from a bowl on the ground. In the background, a white goat stands near the fence of the pen. The ground is covered with hay, and the pen is enclosed by a wire fence and wooden posts. The setting appears rustic with a red and white building in the background.

مزرعة سمو الأمير فيصل بن محمد آل سعود للمواشي تقدم أفضل الخدمات والمنتجات. تجربة رائعة وجودة عالية، أنصح الجميع بزيارتها.

علي السعيد

Two men stand beside a vintage milk cart labeled 'Royal Farm Dairy' with ornate design work. One man is dressed in a shirt with suspenders, while the other wears a vest and cap. The setting appears to be a farm with wooden structures and a sign reading 'Cows & Farms'. The image is in black and white, suggesting it is from an earlier era.
Two men stand beside a vintage milk cart labeled 'Royal Farm Dairy' with ornate design work. One man is dressed in a shirt with suspenders, while the other wears a vest and cap. The setting appears to be a farm with wooden structures and a sign reading 'Cows & Farms'. The image is in black and white, suggesting it is from an earlier era.
