خدمات المزرعة المتنوعة

مزرعة سمو الأمير فيصل بن محمد آل سعود تقدم خدمات متكاملة لتربية المواشي.

A young cow with brown and white fur stands in a fenced area on a farm. The ground is covered with dry grass and patches of mud. In the background, there are wooden fences and trees with a winter sky.
A young cow with brown and white fur stands in a fenced area on a farm. The ground is covered with dry grass and patches of mud. In the background, there are wooden fences and trees with a winter sky.
تربية المواشي الصحية

نقدم أفضل رعاية للحيوانات في مزرعتنا لضمان صحة وجودة.

تغذية متكاملة

نقوم بتوفير أعلاف عالية الجودة لتحسين إنتاجية المواشي ونموها.

استشارات زراعية

نقدم استشارات متخصصة في إدارة المزارع وتربية المواشي لضمان النجاح.

مشاريع المزرعة

نقدم مشاريع متنوعة في مجال تربية المواشي.

A white horse with braided mane stands in an outdoor pen, with a red bucket nearby. The setting is a ranch-like area with mountains in the background and a clear blue sky. The area is enclosed by metal fencing, and there are buildings and trailers visible.
A white horse with braided mane stands in an outdoor pen, with a red bucket nearby. The setting is a ranch-like area with mountains in the background and a clear blue sky. The area is enclosed by metal fencing, and there are buildings and trailers visible.
تربية المواشي

نركز على تربية المواشي عالية الجودة لتلبية احتياجات السوق المحلي.

A nighttime scene in a livestock pen featuring several cows and a horse. The animals are positioned both standing and lying on the ground. The area is enclosed by fencing, and the lighting creates shadows, highlighting the animals' contours.
A nighttime scene in a livestock pen featuring several cows and a horse. The animals are positioned both standing and lying on the ground. The area is enclosed by fencing, and the lighting creates shadows, highlighting the animals' contours.
الاستدامة البيئية

نعمل على تطبيق ممارسات زراعية مستدامة للحفاظ على البيئة وتعزيز الإنتاجية.

مزرعة سمو الأمير فيصل بن محمد آل سعود للمواشي تقدم منتجات عالية الجودة وخدمة ممتازة. أنصح الجميع بزيارة هذه المزرعة الرائعة.

علي السعيد

Two camels are resting on a sandy patch in a grassy area surrounded by a wooden fence. Behind them, there is a building with a tall tower and lush green trees providing shade.
Two camels are resting on a sandy patch in a grassy area surrounded by a wooden fence. Behind them, there is a building with a tall tower and lush green trees providing shade.
